Key Steps for Successful Transportation of Construction Materials

Construction projects can too easily be bogged down by the high costs and slow delivery times of necessary building materials. Compared with other traditional shipments, these construction materials can be much heavier, costly, and incredibly fragile.

As a construction project manager, you must take special care when choosing the right delivery company and the method of shipment for your needs. While one material may fit in traditional shipment vehicles, others may be incredibly heavy or quite large and odd-shaped. That’s why it’s critical the delivery company you employ understands logistics and delivers materials when needed to ensure an efficient and effective shipment of construction materials.

How Econo-Courier Ensures a Safe Shipment

Econo-Courier has extensive experience in shipping necessary materials for construction projects. When Econo-Courier is contracted for a shipment of construction materials, we work with you directly to deliver your construction material tiles, flooring, stone, vinyl, and more. To ensure your construction material delivery is safely and affordably delivered to its end destination, we follow these key steps:

  • Create an extensive inventory of what materials are going to be needed and when the optimal delivery time will be
  • Stay in contact with you during the construction process to ensure updates are promptly handled
  • Identify the most affordable and reliable options for each aspect of the material delivery
  • Determine the unique needs and opportunities for each construction delivery rather than a single overarching method
  • Prioritize the safe and in-tact delivery of construction materials with hands-on service to ensure your project doesn’t receive an unexpected roadblock due to shipment issues

Schedule Your Construction Materials Pick-Up & Delivery Today

At Econo-Courier, we’re here to ensure you don’t have to sweat the small stuff for the delivery of construction materials. To learn more about our pick-up, delivery, and warehousing services get in touch with us at:

  • North Jersey Office (Servicing NY Metro Area) – (973) 882-8004
  • South Jersey Office (Servicing Philadelphia Metro Area) – (856) 330-2200