Why Disinfecting Packages and Safe Delivery Practices are a Must in Today’s Climate

As the majority of Americans have made significant lifestyle adjustments to help cease the spread of the ongoing pandemic, we’ve seen several essential industries trying to keep daily life moving forward as much as possible. In most cases, these essential services have become even more vital than they were before COVID-19, as we’ve all come to heavily rely on them.

With these stay at home orders in place, we can’t help but lean on the courier companies and delivery services that bring the world to us. While disinfecting packages may be on your mind before it even enters your home, everyone has a part to play as we endure these unforeseen times. Whether you’re respecting that stay at home order or are a front line worker continuing to carry out your essential duties in the safest manner possible, we all have a responsibility to do the right thing.

How courier companies and delivery services are keeping your packages safe

Following the advice of the NJ Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we remain vigilant in our efforts to understand the risks and potential sources of exposure, ensuring that we limit the possible transfer to packages and other surfaces.

Staying home if there are symptoms

It’s never been more important to stay home if symptoms begin to present themselves. Fever, cough, and difficulty breathing may require medical intervention and certainly a period of home isolation to prevent the spread of the virus. Drivers may only return to work once they have been cleared by a medical professional.

Face masks are mandatory

Drivers must work with face masks or cloth face coverings to help keep themselves and others protected. Asymptotic carriers pose a risk, and may not even realize they’re aerosolizing the virus by talking or breathing.

Contactless deliveries

We’ve all come to know and understand social distancing and the 6-feet rule. While some deliveries may require a signature, electronic verification can safely replace this method. The delivery personnel may ring the door, step back 6 feet, and wait for customers to retrieve their packages left on the doorstep.

Avoiding or limiting contact with surfaces such as doorbells, door handles, or gates are also helpful. Scanners, pens, and other tools should only be handled by courier or delivery personnel.

What’s more, gloves worn during deliveries should be disinfected regularly, avoiding all contact with the face. If they’re machine washable, they should be laundered in the warmest water possible and dried completely before the next shift.

Keeping a clean environment

Disinfectant disposable wipes should be used regularly, cleaning high traffic areas on and in the delivery vehicle. These surfaces include vehicle door handles, the dashboard, gearshift, and the steering wheel. Pens and electronic signature pads should also be wiped after each use. A garbage bag should be easily accessible to discard any wipes, disposable gloves, or other disinfectant materials required throughout the day.

Econo-Courier is your local, fully operational solution to help keep your business operations fluid during these challenging times. As an essential service, we are maintaining the safest practices to continue working in an efficient and productive manner. If you require more information for any of our services, don’t hesitate to contact us today!