Tips for Packaging Fragile Items for Your Courier Company

Few things can be as frustrating and disappointing as sending or receiving a fragile package, only to find that it was damaged or completely broken during the delivery process. When you enlist a trusted courier company, you are taking the best possible step to ensure that your package is treated with care and is delivered in one piece to its destination. Unfortunately, accidents sometimes do happen. The good news is, there are measures you can take as the one sending a package to ensure that it doesn’t happen to you, particularly with fragile goods.

The most important consideration that you can take is to ensure you prepare your fragile goods properly and carefully before they are picked up by the courier company.

Here are some quick tips and tricks to keep in mind before you pack up your next delivery

Wrap, Protect, and Cushion Your Goods

The best way to prepare your fragile goods ahead of handing them off to the courier is to use proper wrapping, protection, and cushioning. If the delicate nature of your product dictates, consider using bubble wrap, packaging peanuts, or other soft materials meant to protect goods during transportation and delivery.

Prepare the Goods to Be Unboxed

When you package the goods up for their protection, it’s also important that you consider how and where those goods will be unboxed and unwrapped. For example, you don’t want to have two fragile items balancing upon each other so that when one is removed, the other may fall. Additionally, you want the packaging to clearly indicate which end is the ‘top’ of the package.

Alert the Courier Company of Any Delicate Goods or Special Needs

With any fragile delivery you have, the courier company you’re using will be your best advocate. If there are any unusual needs for the delivery, make sure to communicate that to the courier and the person sent out to collect the goods. If they’re aware ahead of time what’s fragile about it or what type of special considerations it may need, they can be sure to come with the necessary equipment and the best transportation option.

Talk to the Experts

In the end, you’re hiring a courier company because getting your precious goods from Point A to Point B is there job and their specialty. Look at them as the experts! As your partner for all your courier needs, Econo-Courier is with you to help make sure nothing happens to your fragile deliveries. Reach out to us today to hear how we can help!